To compensate somewhat for the Covid-19 lethargy, we have agreed to organise a series of FRAM webinars.

The webinars will be held bimonthly and webinar is planned to last for about 45 minutes.

The format will be two presentations of about 15 minutes each, followed by a 15 minute question and answer session.

The first webinar took place on Thursday February 25, 2021 at 13.00 CET. The two presentations were:

Dr Andrew Carson-Stevens et al.: Using FRAM to eliminate the three enemies of Lean (Muda, Muri and Mura) to improve quality and safety in an Emergency Department during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presentation here

Ivenio T. de Souza et al.: Information Technologies in Complex Socio-Technical
Systems Based on Functional Variability: A Case Study on HVAC Maintenance Work Orders. Presentation here

Subsequent to the webinar, a participant offered a very relevant paper which we thought should be appended for interest!

Bettina Ravnborg Thude, Anette Brink, Mchael Skriver Hansen, Lars Morsø: How to Ensure Referral and Uptake for COPD Rehabilitation— Part 1: Disentangling Factors in the Cross-Sectorial Workflow of Patients with COPD to Understand why Most Patients are not Referred to Rehabilitation. Paper here

Second FRAM Webinar

The second FRAM Webinar took place on April 29, 2021.

The format was again two presentations of about 15 minutes each, followed by a 15 minute question and answer session.

The two presentations were:

Thude et al. (2021). How to Ensure Referral and Uptake for COPD Rehabilitation: Disentangling Factors in the Cross-Sectorial Workflow of Patients with COPD to Understand why Most Patients are not Referred to Rehabilitation
Ariansen et al. (2021). Interdependence analysis of joint activity in collaborative robot applications with network analysis (or with FRAM)

Third FRAM Webinar

The third FRAM Webinar took place on June 17, 2021 at 13:00 CEST. The webinar featured a presentation by Niklas Grabbe from the Technische Universität München followed by a demonstration of the features and capabilities of the FMV Pro by Rees Hill.