Sophia Antipolis, France
The agenda can be found here.
The minutes can be found here.
Hollnagel, E. From FRAM to FRAM
Carvalho, P. Normal people in normal organisations: FRAM analysis of a mid-air collision
Woltjier, R. Air accident analysis and/or ATC risk assessment with FRAM
Travadel, S. A FRAM analysis of aviation mishaps
Herrera, I. A comparison of the FRAM and STEP models in the aviation domain
Furniss, D. From A4, to the FRAM Visualiser, to Post-It notes, to Visio
Robson, R.. The amplitude of resonating features and conditions of healthcare systems
McMenemy , J. The building of predictive performance models from empirical data
Herrera, I. & Tveiten, C. FRAM Modelling of normal work