The FRAMily meeting/workshop 2012

FRAM - the Functional Resonance Analysis Method for modelling non-trivial socio-technical systems

Middelfart, Denmark


The agenda can be found here.


Thanks to the hard work by volunteers, the presentations from the FRAMily meeting in Middelfart in 2012 is now available. You can get it by clicking at the links below.

If you are interested in getting further information, please contact the individual authors/presenters.

Ringhals FRAM Case Study on Risk Assessment – Challenges in a pro-active application

Indicator Madness – Challenges in Prospective Risk Assessment in Healthcare

FRAM for anticipation

FRAM for risk assessment and design process

Adverse event analysis in psychiatry

Application to patient safety

Using FRAM for the design of a resilient Traffic Management System

Resilience engineering and FRAM today